
The 510(k), IDE, Q-Sub, De Novo, and PMA Submission and Approval Process

The 510(k), IDE, Q-Sub, De Novo, and PMA Submission and Approval Process

The U.S FDA requires that 21 basic elements be addressed in the traditional 510(k) submission. This can serve as a model for other submissions.
Impact Assessment for Change Control

Impact Assessment for Change Control

Attend this webinar to learn the importance of doing a complete impact assessment prior to implementation of changes under change control. Tools and techniques will be presented to aid in organizing and streamlining impact assessments.
How to Ensure Your Foreign Vendors are FDA Compliant: Conducting Vendor Audits, Monitoring, and Using Checklists

How to Ensure Your Foreign Vendors are FDA Compliant: Conducting Vendor Audits, Monitoring, and Using Checklists

This webinar will give information on auditing foreign vendors for FDA compliance. It will discuss initiating audits, planning and preparing vendor audits, as well as, monitoring foreign vendor compliance. This webinar will provide FDA guidance on foreign vendor expectations, what to do and what not to upon selecting a foreign vendor. It will also provide audit formats and checklists for ensuring a foreign vendor is qualified.
Stability Studies and Estimating Shelf Life

Stability Studies and Estimating Shelf Life

The webinar will provide useful methods and techniques for conducting a stability study and analyzing the resulting data for the purpose of estimating shelf life. Participants should be able to immediately apply the methods presented. Also, the interpretation and communication of results will be stressed and illustrated in several examples.
Conducting Effective Mock FDA Inspections

Conducting Effective Mock FDA Inspections

This webinar will explain the differences between a GMP audit and a mock regulatory inspection, and will highlight the key considerations for effective conduct of a mock inspection, including problems to avoid.
Total Organic Carbon Analysis for Cleaning Validation in Pharmaceutical Manufacturing

Total Organic Carbon Analysis for Cleaning Validation in Pharmaceutical Manufacturing

In this cleaning validation webinar attendees will learn the Total Organic Carbon (TOC) feasibility, method validation and transfer from the laboratory to the manufacturing floor, as well as reviewing a feasibility study of multiple, difficult to oxidise or low solubility organic compounds.
Normality Testing: Applications and Issues

Normality Testing: Applications and Issues

This webinar discusses applications of normality testing and several issues that may arise when testing data for normality. Several methods for testing data for normality are presented. We discuss some of the common types of goodness-of-fit tests that may be used (e.g. Andersen-Darling, Kolmogorov Smirnoff, etc.). We also discuss common reasons that normality tests are rejected.
Effective Systems for Change Control in the Pharmaceutical Industry

Effective Systems for Change Control in the Pharmaceutical Industry

This webinar will help you understand GMP requirements for change control from a pharmaceutical manufacturing perspective, the purpose of change control and what types of changes are or are not subject to change control. Participants will learn how to execute and implement a change in a regulated environment.
Advanced Auditing for Data Integrity

Advanced Auditing for Data Integrity

This training program will teach attendees best practices on how to perform audits for data integrity within their organization. Attendees will also learn how to centralize management and eliminate silos.
USP <61>/<62> Microbiological Enumeration and Examination of Non-Sterile Products – Understanding the Current Standards for the Revised USP and Harmonized EP Microorganisms

USP <61>/<62> Microbiological Enumeration and Examination of Non-Sterile Products – Understanding the Current Standards for the Revised USP and Harmonized EP Microorganisms

The objective of this live, interactive webinar is to explore the changes to these historic USP test methods, compare them to the new European Pharmacopoeia (EP), 2.6.12 Microbiological Examination of Non-Sterile Products: Microbial Enumeration Tests and 2.6.13 Microbiological Examination of Non-Sterile Products: Test for Specified Microorganisms, methodology and how it impacts the typical cGMP microbiological laboratory.
Usability Principles for Medical Devices: Interpreting and Implementing IEC 62366

Usability Principles for Medical Devices: Interpreting and Implementing IEC 62366

This webinar will provide valuable guidance to regulated companies in development and implementation of Use Engineering / Human Factors Engineering using the 9 stage model in IEC 62366-1. IEC 62366-2 on recommended implementation considerations will be briefly considered, with the focus on IEC 62366-1, the basic methodology. the webinar willshow when and how these tools are incorporated into R&D design control, risk management, validation, root cause analysis, CAPA / falure investigations, GMP auditing, and liability reduction. Unlike risk management, use engineering may not always be necessary, depending upon the user interface under review. Use engineering is designed to reduce product risk, increase intuitive product use, reduce liability, and less chance of recalls.
GAMP Data Integrity 21 CFR Part 11 Training Course

GAMP Data Integrity 21 CFR Part 11 Training Course

This course will cover data integrity, electronic records and signatures, and the compliant operation of GxP Computerized Systems to provide the tools and techniques to implement proper controls for data to ensure the integrity and validity of the information throughout the data lifecycle.
Useful Statistical Methods for Defining Product and Process Specifications - Part II

Useful Statistical Methods for Defining Product and Process Specifications - Part II

This webinar covers useful and important statistical methods that assist scientists and engineers in the development of appropriate product and process specifications. Appropriate product specifications are critical to achieving adequate and reliable product performance.
How to Create Clinical Evaluation According to EU MDR 2017/745 Article 61 and Annex XIV

How to Create Clinical Evaluation According to EU MDR 2017/745 Article 61 and Annex XIV

Attend this webinar to understand, what are the changes to the previous medical device regulation and how to implement the changes in your current quality management system and your technical documentation. Your implementation needs smart ideas to reach the right level to pass the quality management audits and technical documentation audits and review by your notified body.
Cybersecurity and US FDA Requirements

Cybersecurity and US FDA Requirements

Cybersecurity is the art of protecting networks, devices, and data from unauthorized access or criminal use. It is the practice of ensuring confidentiality, integrity, and availability of information.
Knowing your Post-Market Clinical Follow-up (PMCF)

Knowing your Post-Market Clinical Follow-up (PMCF)

Attend this webinar to understand, what are the changes to the previous medical device regulation and how to implement the changes in clinical post market surveillance into your current quality management system according to ISO 13485:2021. Your implementation needs smart ideas to reach the right level to pass the quality management audit by your notified body or authority inspection.
Useful Statistical Methods for Defining Product and Process Specifications - Part I

Useful Statistical Methods for Defining Product and Process Specifications - Part I

This webinar covers useful and important statistical methods that assist scientists and engineers in the development of appropriate product and process specifications. Appropriate product specifications are critical to achieving adequate and reliable product performance.
Managing Risks in Combination Products and Drug Delivery Systems

Managing Risks in Combination Products and Drug Delivery Systems

This webinar will provide valuable guidance to regulated companies in development and implementation of Product Risk Management Planning, Implementation, and Use. There will be added focus on the special needs of combination products. Also increased focus on the often high risk considerations of drug delivery systems, with the recent increased concern posed by potential cybersecurity vulnerabilities. This webinar will expand this tool into R&D design control, training, marketing, validtion, root cause analysis, CAPA / fralure investigations, GMP auditing, and liability reduction. Regular use of a few simple but powerful tools in a Product Risk Management File and Review template can contribute greatly to reduction of product liability, company-wide cost reduction efforts, less chance of recalls, and an improved bottom line.
Inspection and Audit Readiness Training for Medical Device Manufacturers

Inspection and Audit Readiness Training for Medical Device Manufacturers

This webinar will focus on how to prepare domestic and foreign medical device manufacturers selling to the U.S. to recognize and prepare for FDA pre- and post-market inspections.
ICH Q7A GMPs for Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients Training Course

ICH Q7A GMPs for Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients Training Course

This live, interactive training webinar will examine a variety of the issues surrounding raw materials to include what materials should be tested and to what extent during Phase 1, 2 and 3. It will cover testing requirements as part of “Laboratory Controls” during each Phase and what laboratory testing may be optional until the ingredient moves to its next Phase. It will determine what options exist — even within a Phase 2 or Phase 3 testing framework. It will discuss compendial vs. non-compendial testing and how to respond when no method is available. Within the past several years the FDA has also issued a significant number of Warning Letters pertaining to 21 CFR 211.84 which involve management of raw/in-coming materials and which correspond to various sections within ICH Q7A. Please plan to attend the upcoming 90-minute Compliance OnLine webinar to learn how to avoid receiving this common citation and maintaining compliance with ICH Q7A. Please plan to bring an interdisciplinary group to obtain the most from this webinar.

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